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141. Any Wii modders in here? - in Out of Pod Experience [original thread]
Locked this discussion is not suitable for this forum. Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.01 22:32:00
142. WTA, 18 mill sp pvp caldari character Auction - in Character Bazaar [original thread]
Locked as character posting is not the character for sale. Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.01 22:30:00
143. WTA 5.99 mill sp jump freighter able character - in Character Bazaar [original thread]
Locked as character posting is not the character for sale. Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.01 22:30:00
144. It doesn't matter how long I've played Eve for, I'll always be a noob. - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Fredfredbug4 Originally by: Bodrul i sometimes forget to hit auto pilot and wounder why i haven't moved 20min later (hi sec only lol) and mostly to get to another destination Manual warping is much better. It ma...
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.01 22:25:00
145. Just say NO to the new forums - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: War Kitten I can't even get logged into the new forums to post my feedback on them. (Brilliant idea there CCP :) ) I go to the link, click the LOG ON bright orange button up top-right, login to test evegate, click forums, g...
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.01 21:58:00
146. CCP, shard the game, please. - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Locking because many of the responses to this are trolling responses. The overall feeling of the posters so far is that they do not want this option for EVE. Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.01 21:41:00
147. There is only ONE way to fix botting. - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
There's already a topic regarding this here . CCP Screegs has also commented here . Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.01 21:23:00
148. WE ARE FEED UP!!!! TIME TO MAKE SOME NOISE ABOUT RMT AND BOTTING!!!! - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Removed discussions regarding moderation. If you have an issue on how something was handled please submit a petition . Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.01 21:20:00
149. It doesn't matter how long I've played Eve for, I'll always be a noob. - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
I sometimes forget to pick up the item that I'm supposed to deliver 10 jumps away Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.01 21:15:00
150. That's not a Merlin, Yulith.... - in EVE Fiction [original thread]
Moved from IGS Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.01 21:01:00
151. WTS - 1*60day gtc - 650mill online - secure sale - in Timecode Bazaar [original thread]
Locked by request Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.01 20:31:00
152. WTS 27m SP PvP Pilot - in Character Bazaar [original thread]
Please remember only 1 bump per 24 hour period. Each bump must have a new date stamp. Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.01 20:31:00
153. WE ARE FEED UP!!!! TIME TO MAKE SOME NOISE ABOUT RMT AND BOTTING!!!! - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Removed conversations and links on how to bot. Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.01 20:29:00
154. ok ok ok so... - in Corporation, Alliance and Organization Discussions [original thread]
Locked for no content Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.01 20:21:00
155. [Character Agent]: Watch what my clients are selling & buying. - in Character Bazaar [original thread]
Locked as the Character Bazaar is for posting characters for sale not for services. There's already a thread open in the correct forum regarding this service. Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.01 20:15:00
156. I have a question. - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Locking because we have a thread on this topic already. Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.03.01 20:12:00
157. Shame I'm not heading through East Boston.... - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Well there is a QR code in the news letter If you decipher it you can figure out what it says. Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.02.27 22:06:00
158. HULKAGEDDON 4: The power of grief compels you! [collecting prizes] - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Removed conversations of military politics. This thread is not about how the military is run or your political views of it. Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.02.27 21:50:00
159. gtc's - in EVE New Citizens Q&A [original thread]
There are a couple more options that I didn't see mentioned here. You can always get a prepaid gift card with a visa or mastercard logo on it to purchase the time on the internet. The other option is if you have enough ISK you can purchase PLEX in...
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.02.26 23:03:00
160. [WTS] --->Pure Miner Hulk V Pilot 12.8mSP<--- - in Character Bazaar [original thread]
English only on the forums. Adida Community Rep CCP Hf , EVE Online
- by CCP Adida - at 2011.02.26 22:27:00
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